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Throughout its short history, photography has endured vast definitions, purposes and transformations alongside the social, political and technological currents in society. Since its beginnings in the industrial revolution, the medium continues to evolve at an exciting pace - most recently leaving behind its scientific and physical forms and transitioning into immaterial, effortless and instantaneous amusement. In the age of “everyone is a photographer” and the image overload of the modern social presence, the future of photography as fine art is a topic of constant debate. As new generations of photographers continue to push and interrogate the limitations of photographic media, this course aims to refocus education and appreciation towards its scientific and interactive beginnings.


These introductory and intermediate courses begin in black and white analog photography and focus on the central principles and histories of photography;  silver gelatin printing procedures, elements of film development, and the technical fundamentals of light and exposure. The course will concentrate on the use of both 35mm cameras, as well as production of camera obscura and pinhole images. Students will learn the rich history and tradition of photography though hands-on experimentation and practice in the darkroom. An introduction to the ADOBE platform will be included into the Photo II course, as students begin to bridge their experience in the darkroom into the world of digital media.  

  • Class time will be dedicated to lectures, discussions of readings, class critique, group demonstrations, and studio work time. 

  • Readings will examine the history of photography as art form; discussion and assignments will correlate to the class textbook, Szarkowski’s The Photographer's Eye: The Thing Itself, The Detail, The Frame, Time, Vantage Point (Photo II)

  • Critique will center around technical elements, intentionality, meaning, and context within the history of photography. 





This advanced course explores the intersection of photography, digital media and printmaking. Students will be introduced to a variety of non-silver photographic processes such as cyanotype, van dyke, and photographic transfer processes as well as photopolymer photogravure and other printmaking techniques. The class is designed to utilize both the analog and digital realms of photography in order to create advanced work that illustrates the conceptual needs of the artist. The goal is to instill a strong understanding and appreciation of the legacy of long-established photographic and printmaking processes while incorporating new technology.  The start of the course is dedicated to the exploration one of the first photographic experiments, the Camera Obscura. 

In addition to historic chemical processes, students will learn about the construction, editing and printing of digital negatives. Students are encouraged to experiment with materials and ideas to create their own personal hybrid of image making practices. Lectures, readings, and demonstrations of photographic and non-photographic processes such as bookmaking, video, three dimensional presentations, and various digital presentation methods will be provided to serve as a jumping off point into personal exploration. 

Student work will be evaluated through critique, construction of concept, technical execution, working through aesthetic and sequencing questions, and the development of personal, thematic work.


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